very cool (:
very cool (:
some metaphor on how humans are rapidly evolving?
its funny how well explained this is. seriously and to see another newgrounder especially present the idea of rapid evolution in such an artistic way is surreal. not talked about enough.
i take it you drew and submitted this as a form of venting? I would have too had i had the ablities you had. i sincerily hope that this message reaches more users on this website because the very fact is, the constant change in the way humans behave is without barrier. we're not designed to bare clothes anymore. we're going to change biologically and fundamentally and very soon. in 2025 we will see ourselves knocking down these barriers like buildings, cars, furniture, clothes. most LIKELY we will be tossing out most of our clothes by the end of this year. i do not see anymore the point in wearing anything and I think I can speak for most people when I say it really is pointless. the next goal after spreading these messages should be to help people understand how to normalize things that humans are meant to do. you DONT have to be monogamous. you DONT have to wear clothes. desensitize these idea's and you'll feel a lot better. sex is sensitive BECAUSE of these idea's. if we treat these things as a big deal then they WILL be a big deal. We're better off treating these things like they're nothing and we'd be ultimately hurt a whole lot less. sexual harassment would no longer be an issue if we just allowed public sex. the banning of clothes would be desensitizing arousals' and therefor we wouldn't see sex as such a crazy thing- it would be just like giving someone a hug. ultimately, there would be less murder and less issues as well. we're elvolving and the proof is all there we have legalized so many drugs and now the time for change is NOW. lets keep moving forward. i hope everyone by the end of the year hears our message, bans clothes, and knocks down more commercial buildings. the idea "de-evolution" is nonsense because time is always moving forward. by living in caves we are in no way "de-evolving" we are MOVING FORWARD and humans are EVOLVING.
i really think that if you see this comment, creator of this art piece (its beautiful by the way) lets team up at some point to spread forward our message. clearly.. you're talented. people can see your art while also at the same time i can help spread the cause that w'ere trying to create. I know it in my heart that we can change everyones minds by the end of this year. we need to start NOW so PLEASE message me ASAP. for everyone else that has a hard time wrapping your brain around this idea PLEASE message me and I will provide more insight on why you need to drop your restraint and become vulnerable to change for once becasue it is YOU that is not right in the head.
go see a therapist
looks cool, you should make a game
i love you, shalico
what is this
can you find the hidden tony soprano in this image?
Simply beautiful. This piece reflects deep emotion and leaves a specific timeless impact on me. Truly. I love him.
You reflect deep sunrays into my finger.
a classic. nice work!!
BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY & sometimes ZED. You ain't no roman numeral so stop acting like one
i voted 5 stars so goji cant comment or 5 star the cartoon on this IP hahahahaha get fucked also good animation
Staggernight, WHY?! I thought you were better than all this? I thought you were a good man.
This is so awesome lol
Creator of "Tom Fulps' Garden" & "Shal's Game".
Age 27
Joined on 12/16/12